Uggghhhh New Years Resolutions. Every year I used to set the same ones, thinking that this year it would be different. This would be the year that I would have a body like Elle McPherson and an intellect of a college Professor, I would also become an international speaker and complete an ironman.
I’d be exhausted by February. The goals would be hidden at the back of a drawer by March and I would spend the rest of the year avoiding said drawer lamenting about my failed attempts. Yet madly I would do the exact same thing the following Jan. This year will be different…..
Hmmm it wasn’t! (amazing right?!)
That was until I had a light bulb moment (it took a while) and I started to realise WHY they weren’t working
Reason #1: We generally don’t have the energy to sustain them! Winter is a time for reflection, slowing down, resting, restoring and replenishing our mind, body and spirit. We’re generally pretty knackered at this time of year hence the timing of Christmas isn’t ideal and lots of people get sick over the festive period. It is not the time to be piling on the pressure with lots of goals. While we might start with lots of motivation we tend to run out of steam fairly quickly.
Reason #2: The goals that we set tend to be ones that we feel we “should” set – I should loose weight, I should stop smoking, I should be fitter, I should be a better friend……etc.
Reason #3: They’re too big! Hey I’m a dreamer but I really, the body of Elle McPherson, honestly!
Reason #4,5,6,7: They are boring, boring, boring and boring (well mine were anyway)
Once year I decided to come up with a different strategy, and this is what I want to share with you via this Blog post today. This is my recipe for success.
First of all I RIPPED up my resolutions…….. then I….
First and foremost and before we move on, we must reflect. If you want to change anything in your life, reflection is vital, after all, how can your life be any different if you don’t pause, look back and make some adjustments. If you want 2021 to be better for you reflection is an essential component to your success.
Create some space, grab a piece of paper and a pen and start writing. Think about the challenges that you faced and how you dealt with them. Reflect on habits and routines that served or didn’t serve you. I’ve shared some of the reflective questions I use during my annual intentions and reflections workshop with you here that you can use if you wish…..
- Name 3 great things that happened this past year.
- What were the three most challenging things that happened? And how did you get through them?
- What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
- What was the best way you used your time this past year?
And then….Instead of resolutions, create an intention.
Here’s some examples of intentions:
To approach life with openness and eagerness
To live a balanced life
To cultivate presence
To meet new challenges with grace and ease
To say yes to opportunities
To let the word no be a full sentence
Spend some time “trying on” these intentions to see which one fits for you. You will know it as it will feel right and inspire you. Google and see what you come up with yourself. It might take a few days as you settle on the right one for you, don’t worry take your time and remember the important thing about intentions is that they not about what you do and all about how you show up in the world
- Intentions are:
- Positive
- Possible,
- Aligned & genuine
- Flexible
- and what we really really want (just like the song!)
For example:
“I’m going to cultivate a positive relationship with my body” Intention
“I’m going to lose 2 kilos by February” Goal
Once you have an intention – What do you do then? Write it down and put it somewhere you will see often.
Then? Share it with me! – I’d love to know what yours intention is so please send me an email
After that – let the intention guide you. Yes, you still need to do something towards the manifestation of what you want, but the action will be intuitive, feel lighter and be more inspiring that goal driven action.
When you feel you are done with your intention you will know and you can set a new one, using this format if you wish.
That’s it! Simple, easier and more manageable that goals! Phew! 🙂
Wishing you a wonderful new beginning and I hope that 2021 brings you all that you wish for.
Intentions & Reflections workshop – Sat 9th or Sat 16th January 10am to 12:30pm Online