Be here now: A 6-month mindfulness membership

Get the resources and support you need to build a strong, solid and lasting mindfulness practice.

Regular: Original resources delivered once a week to the online library

Short: Each resource is less than 10 minutes long, making it accessible and do-able.

Supported: Once a month webinars to track your progress and connect with fellow members

Bonuses: Extra zoom calls, morning meditations and check-ins along the way

“It is amazing how even 15 minutes of mindfulness can make a change or impact on you.” Ainara, Spain

Build up a repertoire of short, easy practices because what you do regularly is better than what you do every once in a while.

Why join?

Time & space every week to breathe, to stop and relax. Because you know in your heart that by stopping, just for a short while, it will give you what you need – calm, peace of mind, happiness and more.

And in having these resources you will have more patience for yourself and your nearest and dearest.

Maybe you don’t know where to start. You’ve heard a lot about mindfulness, you know it can help you have a deeper well of patience and happiness but there’s so much information out there it’s overwhelming and so you do nothing. 

Well I totally agree. So I have taken my years of teaching and I have created the 6 month programme to support you to make it easy, simple and long lasting. 

It’s true that things are challenging right now. It’s true that there is a lot of stress and anxiety at the moment, collectively and individually.

But it’s also true that in the midst of this we can focus on the cultivation of inner happiness and joy. This is possible. Let me show you how

whats involved

We’ll cover 5 stages in total with each stage being approximately 4-to-6 weeks long, bringing us up to 6 months.

  • Stage 1. Creating the foundations
  • Stage 2. Nothing
  • Stage 3. Why now?
  • Stage 4. Befriending and gratitude
  • Stage 5. When we allow

Weekly resource

Every Monday you will get a short mindfulness video, audio or written resource uploaded onto the members library which you can access any time.  

Webinars once a month

We will meet virtually via Zoom at the end of each stage to review the content and for a group practice. This is optional, it will be recorded and sent to you if you can’t make it.  


Over the course of the 6 months there will be an opportunity to avail of some support if you get stuck on your mindfulness journey. 


There will be additional bonus morning meditations and check-ins along the way. Plus informal hints and tips for bringing mindfulness into your everyday life in an easy way

The Stages

Stage 1. Creating the foundations

It’s so important to get the basics right, to have a solid footing and deep understanding of mindfulness. By doing this you’re setting yourself up to start enjoying the benefits straight away.

For this first stage we will take our time getting to know Mindfulness and the basic teachings such as:

  • Three components of mindfulness: Attention, Intention, attitude
  • History and principles
  • Mindfulness practice: When and how to posture
  • Ways to bring it into your life
  • Supercharging your mindfulness practice
  • Dealing with resistance and procrastination

By the end of this stage you will have a good solid understanding of the basics, and you will be enjoying seeing some results already. 🙂 

Stage 2. Nothing

Nothing to do, nothing to achieve, nothing is being asked of you.  The brain is wired for problem solving. It does this because on some primitive level it’s looking to keep you safe and if it can find a problem and solve it then it’s safe…..for a moment, until it needs to do it again. This is fine, however if we practice this too much then we rewire our brain and that’s all we do all day and all night…a loop of: Find a problem – solve it –I’m safe – find a problem – solve it – I’m safe, etc.

During this stage we will strive to not strive. Inviting the mind to take a break and chill, we will look at the art of be-ing and the benefit of doing no-thing. Learning to let go and surrender to what is.  We will look at a Greek Archetype that explains this constant doing mentality we all seem to be stuck in. 

In this stage you will learn the power of doing less and taking intentional action. This means that what action you take will be more quality than quantity, leaving you with more time and energy for the people and the things that you love.

Stage 3. Why now?

The power of the present moment. When was the last time you remember being fully in the here and now? What did it feel like? In this stage you will learn how to live more in the here and now. Why? Well….

Picture this: someone important to you is talking to you. You’re normally distracted by your to do list, or work or your phone but this time you are fully present. You are present to the words that they’re saying but also to their body language and their tone etc. What does it feel like? What’s their response? When we are truly heard, without judgement or advice we flourish. It’s called the gift of presence. 

In this stage you will learn the power of this and also I will share simple ways to come into the now and enjoy the moment.

You will also learn how to bring this presence to tasks at work or at home, helping you to be more productive, focused and make fewer mistakes, that is, do a better job 🙂 

Why? Because when you’re present you’re at your best

Stage 4. Befriending and gratitude

After the building blocks of the first 3 stages now is a lovely time to consciously work with compassion and gratitude. Both of these can be learnt and if you wish to be content within yourself, to have peace of mind and heart then this is the stage you will just love.

Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will have in your life (and it’s also the longest!)  During this part of the membership we will look at ways to cultivate a kinder relationship within and I will share some really interesting ways to do this.

Imagine for a moment that you didn’t have that negative internal voice telling you that you did something wrong or that you didn’t do x, y, z how would that be?

Imagine instead you could encourage yourself to be the best version of you? How you would be able to deal with knockbacks and challenges without berating yourself! That would be nice wouldn’t it! 

Stage 5. When we allow…..

Do you like to be in control? How often do you let go of control? How often do you let things go and what happens when you do? Do things begin to sort themselves out, in often surprising and sometimes unexpected ways?

Here we will look at letting go, acceptance and surrender not in a defeatist way but in an empowering way. You will learn how to bring these powerful mindful attitudes into your life in simple ways

When we learn this, everything can change.


Building your mindfulness library

By the end of course you will have a set of mindfulness tools and resources as well as strategies that you can call on no matter what shows up in your life. From dealing with anxiety to not sleeping at night to worry and panic, you will have a resource that will help you. 

I like to think of it as a mindfulness library that will support and help you to tune into your own innate wisdom and make decisions that are aligned with your values and principles from a place of wisdom and empowerment.

That’s the “journey” as they say!

hear from people who have worked with ellen

Who is this for?

It is for you if you are:

  • busy and don’t have time for lengthy practices
  • looking for a way to deal with anxiety, connect with like minded people or
  • want to learn about topics such as acceptance, the power of the present moment, compassion and more in an easy, digestible way

It's for you if you ever sat down to do a mindfulness practice and said: “how am I going to do 20 minutes!” or “I don’t have time to do this……”

This membership is about helping you to enjoy all the benefits of mindfulness from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, in your own time that is supported, easy to do and reminded of the many ways that mindfulness helps us to deal with everyday challenges and situations

Also, I wanted Mindfulness to be easy, accessible and convenient so that even the idea of doing a practice is easy.

Ellen Shilling

I have read, studied and practiced mindfulness for the past 15 years. During that time I have trained with some of the leading experts, gone on retreats all over the world and held some of my own.

I am passionate about mindfulness as I can honestly say that it has changed my life! I know that can sound very OTT at times and it wasn’t this sudden flash of light that came down and I was enlightened. Sitting lotus position, emanating love (wouldn’t that be wonderful!) No, it was over time and with patience and commitment I found that old behaviours that didn’t serve me well melted away, negative beliefs no longer held me captive and I wasn’t a victim of my emotions. Finally I could breathe and access a peace within I had never felt before and has stayed with me since.


It’s very expensive, I can’t afford that. 

Weekly, this breaks down into €11.75 per week. This is an investment in your happiness, contentment and mental state and works out at €1.56 per day, less than the price of a cup of coffee a day or as I like to see it, mindfulness coffee. As the ad says – aren’t you worth it?! 🙂 

I’ve never done mindfulness before, can I still do this?

Yes, it’s for everyone. We start with the basics and move through the course. And at any time you can contact me with any questions, I’m always happy to hear from you.

I’ve done lots of mindfulness courses before, why is this one different? 

Well it’s longer term, is shorter pieces of information and while it might be some of the same teachings, because its in this format it may be easier to digest, and integrate into your life. You will most definitely learn something new. 🙂 

What if I miss a week or a month?

Of course, over a 6 month period, you are going to miss some weeks. Never fear! I will be reviewing all material on the webinars every month and you can dip in and out any time. There is no homework, there is no checking in, I am here to help you but not put the pressure on, we all have enough of that in our lives! 

join now

The mindfulness membership next dates: Summer/ Autumn 2021

€47 per month or €250 when paid in full 

€7 per month thereafter for continued access to the members library 

6 Months of support, guidance and mindfulness to help you to not only survive, but thrive.

Because what you do every day matters more than what you do every once in a while.

Register your interest to be informed of when the doors next open to Be here now: A Mindfulness monthly  membership

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