Over the course of the weekend:
You will be attuned to Reiki Level 2 and will receive another 4 rays of the energy of Usui Reiki Lineage
Be guided through healing meditations to prepare and connect you with source, release the past and start anew.
Healing: You will give and receive healing treatments on both days of the course.
Receive your Reiki 2 symbols for manifestation, absent healing, planetary healing, clearing a home, and setting up a room with positive energies
Learn a powerful Reiki tool to cut negative ties between you and people in your life, your past or a situation so that you can find peace and more positive energy can flow.
Get to practice Planetary healing which our world needs so much at the moment.
A safe & sacred space to meet like minded people with plenty of time to explore the principles and teachings of Reiki
Receive ongoing support as your Reiki journey continues to evolve and grow. This includes if you decide to setup a practice now or in the future.
You will also receive
A comprehensive Reiki manual with all the tools and techniques for you to use in every situation in your life.
A date for a meetup 3 weeks after the weekend during which we will review the material and have an opportunity to share Reiki healing. The date of this will be organised over the course of the weekend.