Energy Therapy

Get your energy flowing mentally, physically and emotionally so that you are balanced, calm and relaxed.

Why Energy Therapy?

We are all energetic beings. Whether you believe in chakras or auras or not you know how it feels to have no energy. In this day and age society has placed a value on money being a sign of success however, when you’re ill you soon come to realise that energy is the real currency.

I have trained in a number of modalities such as Shamanic therapy, Reiki, Seichim, Sakara, Magnified healing and more and all of these therapies have the same intention – to balance you energetically.

How much easier is it to deal with life when you’re feeling good? To do the things you you want to, to make the changes that are calling you, to live the life that is yours and to have the passion to fully engage with the world around you. This is what energy therapy is all about – helping you to feel good both and remove the blockages that are draining you whether that is the past, unresolved emotions, beliefs, patterns or behaviors.

What are Reiki, Seichem, Sakara & Magnified Healing?

All these healing techniques aim to do the same thing – get your energy flowing mentally, physically and emotionally so that you are balanced, calm and relaxed.

Reiki – re-discovered in the 19th century by Dr Usui, this ancient Japanese healing system is probably the best known method of healing in the world.

Seichem & Sakara – further enhance Reiki energy, its like supercharging Reiki.

Magnified Healing – A gentle, compassionate yet deeply powerful healing that clears the chakras, opens the heart, and gets right into the cells.

What Is Shamanic Therapy?

Simply put it is the use of ancient techniques used by our ancestors to clear blockages held deep within the body and to recover any parts of ourselves that we have lost along the way.